Conservation & Development Areas

Within the RM of Invergordon there are three (3) active C&D Areas that are operating and levying on lands.  Their levy rates are set by their own individual boards and their tax roll is submitted to the RM Administrator to execute their levy.  These show as individual line items on your tax notice.  Payment is made to the RM as part of the property taxes owing on the land, and the RM remits collected taxes back to the C&D boards.

  • Birch Hills C&D (areas north of Jumping Lake, Division 6) "BHCD"
  • Shannonville C&D (areas north/west of Waterhen, Division 5) "SVCD"
  • Fletts Springs C&D (Waterhen, Division 3/5 "FSCD"
  • And, as of 2025 the RM now has a 4th C&D Area called Invergordon C&D "INVCD"

The RM Council has no jurisdiction over the C&D Board or the levy.

Contacts/Map of C&D Areas

What is a C&D Area?

C&D stands for Conservation & Development.  C&D Areas are legal entities established by the Government of Saskatchewan (the Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Water Security Agency).  They are typically drainage, or sub-drainage, basins defined by hydrology and “ground-truthing” on the landscape. One large watershed region may contain many sub-drainage basins. 

  Fun Fact: there are over 1800 miles of drainage ditches which have an impact on 4.5 million acres in Saskatchewan (Source: (C&D Guide))

What does a Conservation & Development Area do?

C&Ds provide a means for landowners to work together in developing agricultural water management projects.  C&Ds provide flood control and move water off the agricultural landscape in an organized and responsible manner to improve productivity.  C&Ds are recognized as an important public interest tool to ensure responsible water management on agricultural land.  Development of projects by the C&D reduces construction of unapproved drainage, minimizing requests for assistance relating to drainage and hardships to those downstream.

The established C&D is backed by legislation1 which permits the Board to borrow money for projects, expropriate land and apply administrative and infrastructure levies to the municipal tax roll on the land that falls within their boundaries.  C&D infrastructure projects are reviewed and approved by Water Security Agency.

1 The Conservation and Development Act;  The Water Security Agency Act;  The Expropriation Act

Invergordon C&D


Invergordon Conservation & Development Area No. 84 was established by Minister's Order in 1956 and appointed the Council for the Rural Municipality of Invergordon, No. 430 as the Area Authority (the body responsible for the C&D).  At that time, the C&D boundary mirrored the boundary of the RM of Invergordon.  Subsequently, the Invergordon C&D became dormant and lands within the Waterhen Marsh were transferred to the Fletts Springs C&D, as well some lands in Division 5 and 6 were transferred to Shannonville C&D and Birch Hills C&D.


Council of the RM of Invergordon, in discussion with Fletts Springs C&D and Water Security Agency, determined resurrecting the Invergordon C&D was beneficial in order to transfer the Waterhen lands along with the project management of this area.

An election was called by the Council and the following three (3) Board members were elected on November 13, 2024 to the Invergordon Conservation & Development Area Authority:

Scott Lamont (Chairman)

Jeremy Kulcher (Vice Chairman)

Christopher Beaulieu (Member)

Appointed Secretary-Treasurer is Courtney Beaulieu.

Invergordon C&D Area Boundary Map

Assessment Notices

 Assessment notices for all lands assessed to the Invergordon C&D have been issued.  The notice will contain the legal land location and acres assessed.  Note, the acres will appear under the Administration column as there are no active projects for which the C&D is permitted to levy for. 



For the 2025 year, the Invergordon C&D shall levy an Administration levy to cover operating costs.  The Board intends on meeting in February to set the rate.  Once set the information will be posted here.

The levy will appear on the municipal tax notice issued by the RM of Invergordon.  The levy will be shown by the acronym "INVCD".  Payment of the levy is to be done with the municipal taxes.

What About Waterhen?

Application has been submitted to Water Security to have the Waterhen Marsh (and surrounding project lands) transferred from the Fletts Springs C&D to the Invergordon C&D.  This is done by Minister's Order and is expected to be issued by March 31, 2025.  Fletts Springs C&D is the area authority for Waterhen until the Minister's Order is issued and as the deadline to issue Assessment Notices has passed, they shall continue with a 2025 levy on these lands.  Management of the Waterhen lands will be through agreement between the C&Ds such that the Invergordon C&D may begin its management of that area in 2025.

It is anticipated these lands will be transferred to and levied by the Invergordon C&D in 2026.


Invergordon C&D involves management of the local portion of the Carrot River Watershed.  The Carrot River is the dominant watercourse in the watershed, and its headwaters originate in the Cudworth and Tiger Hill Plains near the Town of Wakaw.  The outlet of Wakaw Lake marks the beginning of the Carrot River and, from there, this river flows northeast through the Melfort and Red Earth Plains until to joins into the Saskatchewan River west of The Pas, Manitoba.  The Carrot River is about 300 km in length and it parallels the course of the South Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Rivers.  In fact, the distance between these rivers never exceeds 50 km, while the width of the Carrot River watershed never exceeds 80 km.  Tributaries of the Carrot River include Coldwell Creek, McCloy Creek, Dead River, Goosehunting Creek, Melfort Creek, Sweetwater Creek, Leather River, Presbyterian River, Doghide River, Crooked River, Burntout Brook, Jordan River, Papikwan River, Cracking River, Man River, Rice River, Sandhill Creek, Little Bridge Creek and Emmons Creek.   

Carrot River Watershed Map



Invergordon C&D Area Boundary Map

Map of Surrounding C&Ds

Carrot River Watershed Map 

   Video Resources

1) Where Is Your Watershed?

2) Improving Water Quality Through Agricultural Innovation

Saskatchewan Conservation and Development Association

The Saskatchewan Conservation and Development Association (SCDA) is the provincial organization that represents all C&D’s in Saskatchewan. SCDA was formed in 1966 to provide a unified, coordinated voice for its members.