Council Appointments
Deputy Reeve - Edwin Rundbraaten
Poundkeeper - Wayne Bacon
Councilors are appointed to various local boards as part of their elected duties:
- Agricultural Producers Assocation of Saskatchewan (APAS) - Wayne Bacon
- ADD Board, District 32 - Bruce Hunter
- Birch Hills Health Foundation - Edwin Rundbraaten
- Carrot River Valley Watershed Association - Calvin Parsons
- Hudson Bay Route Association - Wayne Bacon
- Kinistino & District Health Foundation - Wayne Bacon
- Lakeview Pioneer Lodge - Keith Thibault
- North Central Transportation Planning Committee - Edwin Rundbraaten
- Struthers Lake Regional Park - Kevin Hawreschuk (Christopher Beaulieu is the RM's second representative appointed to this board)
- Wakaw Lake Regional Park - Kelvin Dutka
- Wapiti Regional Library - Calvin Parsons
Council Committees
Human Resource Committee - Kevin Hawreschuk, Keith Thibault, Edwin Rundbraaten and Bruce Hunter
Public Works Committee - Kelvin Dutka, Calvin Parsons, Wayne Bacon and Bruce Hunter
Water Committee - Kelvin Dutka, Calvin Parsons, Keith Thibault and Bruce Hunter