Forms & Permits

Building & Development Permits

All development in the RM must comply with the adopted Interim Development Control Bylaw and Building Bylaw.  A development permit application and a building permit application are both required unless specifically exempted by the bylaws.   Click here to go over to our Zoning & Development page for full information on the regulations.

Building Permit Application

Also may be required with application:

  • Site Plan, if no Development Permit was required for the use
  • Energy Efficiency Compliance Forms click here to view the package (complete 1 of the 3 sets of forms if applicable)
  • Additional Worksheets may be required (e.g. Mobile Home, Detached Garage, Deck, Attached Garage) click here
  • Commitment for Field Review Form click here
  • Declaration of Conformance with Ventilation Requirements Form click here
  • Visit our building official's website (MuniCode) for more info!

Demolition Permit Application 

Development Permit Application

Note on Building Permit Applications and Energy Efficiency Compliance:

As of January 1, 2024, The National Building Code of Canada 2020, The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 and The National Fire Code of Canada 2020 and The National Plumbing Code of Canada 2020 have been adopted in the province of Saskatchewan. 

For energy compliance, new buildings and additions where permits are applied for on or after January 1, 2024, are required to demonstrate energy compliance to Section 9.36. of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 2020 or the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020, as applicable (refer to “Energy Efficiency Compliance Options”. These must continue to meet energy requirements on a go-forward basis. This means that future work to those buildings or additions must continue to demonstrate energy compliance. 

All information regarding energy compliance and required forms for submission of building permits can also be found on MuniCode Services Ltd. website here

Septic Permits

This is regulated by Saskatchewan Environment, click to read their document "Common Types of  Private Sewage Works" to understand what may or may not be permitted on your land.

Septic Permit Application

Lakeshore Permits

  • For any development on Municipal or Environmental reserve land (walkways or other parcels within a lakeshore development) please fill out and return the following form for approval prior to any work being done.  All lakeshore subdivisions, with the exception of Fleming-Rhona Lake, have an Environmental Reserve land strip between lakefront lots and the lake itself, so a permit is required from the RM to authorize use of this land in order to access the lake (and store a dock/lift on it over winter).  Included in this application form is information on boat lifts and docks and when a permit is required for these items from Water Security Agency. 

(RM) Municipal / Environmental Reserve Permit Application

Example below showing lakefront lots with the Environmental Reserve (ER1) between the lot and the lake:

  • For any development with 5m of a lakebody please fill out and return the following form to Water Security Agency, along with a copy of the approved Municipal / Environmental Reserve Permit from the RM (as applicable).

(Water Security Agency) Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit Application

Development means any disturbance of the lands' natural vegetation or overall natural state.

WSA:  Do I Need A Permit?

You will need an Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit:

  1. Before starting any work in the bed, bank, or boundary of a water body or watercourse
  2. For any discharge with an adverse effect on water.

Adverse effect means impairment of, or damage to, the environment or harm to human health, caused by any chemical, physical, or biological alteration, or any combination of any chemical, physical, or biological alterations.

For more information Click here (

Water Sewer

The RM has water-sewer services in Crystal Springs and Yellow Creek.  Existing users are encouraged to sign up for monthly billing on Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) at the monthly rate.  Application forms are below.

New service connection requests must be submitted on the form below for Yellow Creek, along with payment of the required fee.  Requests for Crystal Springs should be submitted to the RM Office.

Crystal Springs Water-Sewer PAD

Yellow Creek Water-Sewer PAD

Yellow Creek New Service Connection Application

Crystal Springs New Service Connection Application

Custom Work Forms

All requests for Custom Work must be called or emailed into the RM Office, however the below forms may also be required to complete the requested work.

Custom Work Authorization Form 

Snow Removal Waiver Form

Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) - Taxes & AR

The RM offers Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) payments for Taxes which can be setup in a variety of ways.  Feel free to contact the RM Office to discuss your options or to receive a payment estimate based on your specified payment schedule!

You may also choose to have your AR (Accounts Receivable) account setup on PAD, such that once the due date on any invoice has passed (based on Net-30) the full invoice amount will be automatically withdrawn from your account.  

Receipts for all PAD payments are mailed to the mailing address on file.

Taxes Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Application

Accounts Receivable Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Application


Under the RM's Communication Policy GG-007, complaints must be submitted in writing - preferably on the form below.  Email submissions are acceptable.

Communication Form

Road Hauling

Under the RM's Road Hauling Policy all bulk hauling requires a Road Maintenance Agreement.

Road Maintenance Agreement Form

  Helpful Hint!   

How To Fill Out A Fillable-PDF On A Smart Phone